safavid empire social structure and gender roles

Weeping of them could be supposed as nearly instantly. !^YiAGW]=gZ|sTG_}xG7O=O\#DQG/BOo.2(3,Ax|t The Umayyad empire treated women worse than slaves, with slaves being able to roam freely in public while women had to be in seclusion and left in rooms away from men. The rule of Shah Abbas the Great and was the peak of the Safavid Empire. Privacy Policy3. Khaled Hosseini goes into the oppression of women in his novel A Thousand Splendid Suns. Their appearance in the narrative was supposed to be channels to represent commemoration and devotion to the Imams. Most of the time it depended on how much money or land they have. This left room for invasion by outside enemies, which is exactly what happened in 1722 when the Afghan army besieged the capital of Isfahan. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. 3 Was there slavery in the Safavid empire? Female were expected to be merely spiritual inspiring and morally supportive to the male participants and at the same time as symbol of the next Shiite generation. Detail, Sultan Muhammad, The Court of Gayumars, Shahnameh for Shah Tahmasp I, c. 152425, opaque watercolor, ink, and gold on paper, 45 x 30 cm, folio 20v (Aga Khan Museum, Toronto; photo: Brilliantly painted manuscripts. At the height of their reign, the Safavids controlled not only Iran, but also the countries we now know as Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Armenia, eastern Georgia, parts of the North Caucasus, Iraq, Kuwait, and Afghanistan, as well as parts of Turkey, Syria, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. While the decoration of each of these buildings varied, the structural composition remained much the same, consisting of domes surrounded by four, Fresco, c. 1597 C.E., Ali Qapu Palace (photo: reibai, CC BY 2.0). Efahn fell to the Ghilzai Afghans of Kandahr in 1722. Within Mexica society, slaves constituted an important class . Known as, Muqarnas and mirror mosaics, outdoor portal, Chehel Sotoun (photo: Amir Pahaei, CC BY-SA 4.0). Therefore, education could be provided to them only at homes which could be afforded only by the rich. WebSafavid Empire (Political/Military) - Conquered Persia (Ismail) - Shah is ruler (ex. _&A .:3'5|?I Every Muslim had a right to keep at least four wives or slaves. Shah Abbas special taste for spectacles such as gladiatorial displays is observed in encouraging conflicts and fights between different socio-religious groups during the ceremonials to prevent them from against the central power. inch), 153940 C.E., Tabriz, Kashan, Isfahan or Kirman, Iran, (now at the Victoria & Albert Museum; photo: Steven Zucker, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0). Safavid Empire decline. 22 0 obj Muharram rituals provided a rare opportunity for the gathering of both sexes in a society practising sexual discrimination and segregation. As such, the Safavid Muharram ceremonials at the Maidan symbolised the eventual triumphal of Shiism over Sunni. Complex, ornate palaces. They invested a great deal of their capital into the building and decoration of shrines of Shia saints. The widows could not marry again. The Safavid dynasty was one of the most important ruling dynasties of Iran. In some of the reports the location is detailed to Ali Qapu; some of them record the processions performed at the Maidan in front of the Shah. Looking for a flexible role? Depending on the area a woman lived in, they either enjoyed freedom, though they still grappled with misogyny, or lived in seclusion, often treated worse than slaves. Study for free with our range of university lectures! Female Patronage from the Safavid Dynasty Early Safavid women were distinctive from women in other Islamic societies because much power and respect was However, the role of men usually are described as greatest warriors, heroes, and leaders, whereas the, The Mughal and Safavid Empires featured an important variety of political power. Attentions given on the self-sacrifice of the Imams through the encourage of battle and behaviors as self-flagellation of male participants recalled the Safavid collective identity, meanwhile project the Shahs dignity as the spiritual leader on behalf of the Hidden Imams. This article is a study focuses on the gender segregation in Muharram ceremonials in the Safavid period. But, one must recognize that women, because they make up half of the population, played an important role in Ottoman society as romantic partners and financial agent; however, women were also dealt the role of being subservient to men. In addition, compare to the accounts of women martyrdom, descriptions of women being captivated and humiliated dominated portrayal of female ideals in the Muharram. Meeting with little success, Abbs engaged in a major army reform. Women in rituals are restrict defined as mourner, which has not only been differentiated from mens role as martyr, but also been denied from making huge sacrifice to Shii Islam. In August 1514 Isml was seriously defeated at Chldirn by his Sunni rival, the Ottoman sultan Selim I. Each empire has its own defining traits that lead to its success or demise. An infinite number of men armed with big sticks, evolved in all kinds of fights and battle with fury. "x_&\G%aRz2fD] sq'V: N%`wL}F!n ; To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! Despite the predominantly Sunni character of this territory, he proclaimed Shiism the state religion and enforced its creed and prayers in the mosques of his dominion. WebSafavid Empire social structure and gender roles. Members of the Safavid Dynasty likely were of Kurdish Persian descent and belonged to a unique order of Sufi @dOR+qOxz/endstream What was the religion of the Safavid Empire? Safavid Empire aka Persia. Sometime around 1400, they adopted an affiliation with Shiism and undertook to spread their Shiite faith by force of arms. Thus, Shiite Islam became the state religion of what evolved into the Safavid Empire, making the empire technically a theocracy. ( Note on Shiism. [12] Processions of religious groups were observed by Western travelers notably by della Valle were acting as military parades, extensively fight together to show their eagerness of experiencing the dreadful tragedy of Husayn. [25] It affirms the states determination of bring a new life of justice and sacrificing for the coming of the new millennium.[26]. In between were nobles, rich merchants, and city people. African slaves were imported by the East African slave trade across the Indian Ocean, and white slaves were mainly provided from the Caucasus area or the Caspian Sea through warfare and slave trade. Gunpower usage in the military allowed the empire to protect itself from external forces, maintaining inner harmony, and flourish. Outside of Iran, Safavid art was the portal to the wider world of Persian art and architecture when art historians first began studying Islamic art in the early nineteenth century. While the dramatic tragedy of Husayn at Karbala being the focal centre of practicing during the procession in the Maidan, this re-enactment of male martyrdom by the participants embodies the spiritual merit of the Safavid state. The alam would indicate the presence of the leader, motivate the branch by recalling the entire tragic event and the sacrifice of the Imams. WebWomen in the Safavid Empire refers to the position and status of women across Safavid society and culture within Safavid Iran. If there are women that are mentioned as protagonist, the women usually are described because of their 'outrageous behavior '. Exquisitely detailed miniatures. Public ceremonials made its passage directly to real life. They were all naked, dancing, fighting and screaming. Here you can choose which regional hub you wish to view, providing you with the most relevant information we have for your specific region. The devotion and commemoration of the death of Husayn and his family would be especially evoked and enhanced by alams with a hand-shape. The Safavid empire had a strong social structure with kings and royals at the top and peasants at the bottom. They could divorce their husbands, remarry and could claim their share in the property of their parents. that ito was of the first japanese constitution and the prime minister for japan. In Muharram processions, alams are embodiment of the tough fight of Husayn and his army in Karbala. Web Social Structure o King and royal class o Nobility- filled administrative posts o Rich merchant class o Artisans (city-dwellers) o Peasants Women o Not equal to men o Early [13] led horses at the front with its saddle heavily decorated by weapons such as bows, arrows and shields were to represent Ali or Husayns mounts. With that said, it could also be used for younger general education students as well. In 1588 Abbs I was brought to the throne. [20] This reinforcement of gender role in a civic aspect would have assist the Shah of regulating his harem. If as a Puritan you honoured your obligation to God, they would be one with God and if they failed, would be punished. Members of the Safavid Dynasty likely were of Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. This is narrated through the delivery of the main antagonists id, the gender inequality in enforcing laws and the marginalization of women. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on They expanded through their great army, which consisted of not only Ottomans, but also Turks and Janissaries. Shah Ism'l I, who established the Safavid dynasty in 907/15012, considered himself to be the living emanation of the godhead, the Shadow of God upon earth, and the representative of the Hidden Imm by virtue of direct descent from the Seventh Imm of the Twelver (Ithn'ashariyya) Sh'a, Ms al-Kzim. 20th and Pattison, Philadelphia (, The Safavids established an artistic identity that resonated with the dynasties that came after. The ultimate relationship between the Imams martyrdom and the ritual processions can be demonstrated from the alam made in the seventeenth century Iran in a shape of sword [Fig, ]. inch), 153940 C.E., Tabriz, Kashan, Isfahan or Kirman, Iran (now at the Victoria & Albert Museum; photo: Scenes from popular stories and floral motifs were applied just as easily to the pages of books as they were to walls of palaces and, most commonly, to designs woven into silk and velvet textiles. WebThe Safavid Empire was located in the Eastern half of Ancient Persia (comprising modern-day Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and parts of the Caucasus). There are a lot of similarities and differences between this era and the modern era. The standard-bearers who stands at the front serves a same role as Abbas, leads his band in the Muharrum procession. This encouraged pilgrimages across the great stretch of the Safavid empire, in places such as Karbala and Najaf, two cities in central Iraq. Being actively participated by both genders, individual emotions are transferred to a collective communication in the public space. The Muslims were always prepared either to molest or to capture Hindu-women which resulted in child-marriages and Purdah system. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Before sharing your knowledge on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Restoring Persia as a major center of political power and cultural creativity, they also established one of the strongest and most enduring centers of Shiism within the Islamic world. The Ottoman empire was no exception. As they arrived in New England they set up in Massachusetts in a place they named Boston. Women could not be doctors, priests, judges, or lawyers (Hopkins 8). The Puritans first set sailed and started their journey to America in 1630. [19] After Shah Abbass deliberate development of Muharram ceremonials, it has become a public drama spectated by him the emperor, and the foreigners the true audiences. Museums around the world commissioned Pope and Ackerman to organize symposia and exhibitions on the topic of Persian art, where works from the Safavid Empire were especially of interest. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Shah Abbss remarkable reign, with its striking military successes and efficient administrative system, raised Iran to the status of a great power. The Ottomans,Safavids,and Mughals were powerful Muslim empires that were successful due to their access to gunpowder,and good leadership early on in the start of the empires.The 3 gunpowder empires had difficulty sustaining power due to mistreatment of peasantry,and poor leadership, which led to their decline in 1700 CE.. In other words, China believed that women were capable of. As the Safavid dynasty approached the middle of the eighteenth century, the last shahs took less and less interest in foreign and local affairs, and retreated to the interior life of the palace. endobj WebSPICE CHART Safavid Empire Social Structures Development & Transformation of Social Structures Gender Roles & Relations Family & Kinship Racial & Ethnic By looking at history, we can say that accomplishing that goal of making their position equal is not easy. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. WebBoth empires agreed to end the Ottoman-Safavid War of 15781590.Constantinople (present-day Istanbul), members from Safavid dynasty and ottoman met and the treaty signed on 21 March 1590. Thus, it can be concluded that the position of women in India was much inferior to men during the period of the Sultanate and they suffered from many social evils and other handicaps. John Winthrop was the man in charge and the man who started this whole movement. Fresco, c. 1597 C.E., Ali Qapu Palace (photo: The palaces of the Safavid era, such as the, Shah Mosque (Royal Mosque), Isfahan, Iran, begun 1611 (photo: Diego Delso, CC BY-SA 4.0). Akbar, for example, banned the practice of sati (forcing a widow to jump onto her husbands funeral pyre) and encouraged widows to get married. Two powerful and historically important empires are the Ottoman empire, and the Mughal empire. AMST 0108 Childhood in America (Spring 2023) In this course we will explore childhood as an evolving social and cultural construct. Leaders after Shah This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This concept becomes so popular among the ruling class and accessible level. Shah Abbas construction of Ali Qapu on the Maidan is essential in understanding the relationship s between ritual, space and power. Which is correct poinsettia or poinsettia? Many things have changed with the course of time and many civilizations simply died out, leaving after themselves numerous open questions and riddles for historians and anthropologists. In the Safavid Empire, however, women were forced to cover themselves during public and were often tortured and burned under the rule of Shah Saffi. Realizing the limits of his military strength, Abbs made peace with the Ottomans on unfavourable terms in 1590 and directed his onslaughts against the Uzbeks. WebGeneralizations. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". [4] Professional female mourners even used various aids such as onions, grilled seeds of millet, lentils and rice to provoke tears and increase weeping in rituals. [5] In his account, there was no stop of loud crying of womens mourning assemblies. In a previous lesson we learned about the Byzantine and Persian Empires and how they served as patrons for religious orthodoxies. Their sorrowful bodies and dreadful cries were used to create emotional chaos of grief. [6] He was surprised by the passion and enthusiasm of the religious piety of the participants in the ceremonials. He was known as a young courageous and charismatic, zealous in their Shiite faith and believed to be of divine descent. Content Guidelines 2. The Middle East, China, and Africa were among few countries that advanced during this aeon. The main rivals of the Safavids were the Ottomans to the west and the Mughals to the east, but for about two centuries Safavid armies held both foes at bay. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. '8{a:".&a4I[4+ ?U4;bhQeGg@\n"5ZR&1To>qU[UeHWU s(7.@2?Ay#ENzmC[R#l''F!VX/P7H(BZB&ZLY%$c$~m 3zq*j=j)~%_91$:%}XApcX~3sDLOXY FeY]|e#}*8 sDbreTl Web0821361449, the role of hip hop in culture thought economics, performance accountability and combating corruption isbn, commerce mdshahmahilacollege ac in, shivani shah knowles incoming spring intern ubs linkedin, chapter 28 the islamic empires, ushma shah uk ambassador british council linkedin, safavid dynasty Detail, Sultan Muhammad, The Court of Gayumars, Shahnameh for Shah Tahmasp I, c. 152425, opaque watercolor, ink, and gold on paper, 45 x 30 cm, folio 20v (Aga Khan Museum, Toronto; photo: Steven Zucker, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0). %PDF-1.4 The Safavid ruled from 1501 to 1722 and, at their height, controlled all of modern Iran, Azerbaidjan, Bahrain, Armenia, North Caucasus, Georgia, Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, and also some parts of Turkey, Syria, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. [Fig, ] Shia religious parade standard, 1700/1799, brass, gold, made in Iran, Safavid, British Museum, [Fig, ] Standard, early 18th century, metal, made in Iran, Safavid, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Jean Chardin (Ferrier), the journey to Persia, Floor Willem, Fact or Fiction: The Most Perilous Journeys of Jan Jansz. Religion seems to be the primary foundation for the rise and success for many of these empires, but in the 21st century religion does not serve this same purpose. [One] participates in the meaning of being a muslim through ritual action, not merely through a profession of faith (Winter 1995: 36), The battle of Karbala is the most symbolic event to the Shiites after the death of the Prophet in 632. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. On its openwork inscription, the names Allah (God), Muhammad, Fatima, Ali, Hasan and Husayn and the invocation O Ali! has all been included to indicate its ritual functions. The Imperial Examination System required all government officials to pass an examination to ensure that important positions within the government went to the best and the brightest. WebGunpowder Empires Dbq. Several approaches were embraces to counter Safavid followers. Men were massacred one by one in the combat and women and children were taken in chains as prisoners to Yazids court in Damascus. Eskandar Beg Munshi (1560 1632), the Safavid historian of Shah Abbas I describes the personal standard of Shah Tahmasp at a battle defeat the Ottomans. Compared to other Muslim dynasties, women in the Mughal society had the utmost freedom. The art of the Safavids is simply magnificent. They were devoid of education because of this social-custom. The Safavid society’s approach to sexuality and gender has made it a reference for the “pre-modern” discourse, in which gender and sexuality manifest—in contemporary terminology—queerness and fluidity. There were changes, in their clothings, food-habits, social habits and certain customs as well. The Safavid Empire, based in Persia ( Iran ), ruled over much of southwestern Asia from 1501 to 1736. sggQ0 _S{xAVJ+Fonh )&FY[7C ;yQY*3Z8l@fyrM/ He moved the capital to Efahn and made it the centre of Safavid architectural achievement, manifest in the mosques Masjed-e Shh (renamed Masjed-e Emm after the 1979 Iranian Revolution), Masjed-e Sheikh Lofollh, and other monuments including the Al Qp, the Chehel Sotn, and the Meydn-i Shh. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. Women's roles in gunpowder empires 1. Shah Sultan Hossein, who ruled from 1694 to 1792, was the main cause of the end of the Safavid Empire. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. While silk had always been a highly sought after Persian commodity, dating back to ancient times, the Safavid era produced one of the most lucrative silk industries of the early modern world. [10] Observed by the regular composition of furniture and physical settings, the mourning is portrayed in a relatively formal register. Also, an example was shown by Muhammad, who was kind to his wives. Safavid king Abbas I, who had By the time of the orders fourth leader, Sheikh Junayd, it had become explicitly Shii. First, by bringing the capital closer to the center of the empire and away from the Ottoman border, it safeguarded the court from the Turks. % WebWomen in Safavid Empire Originally it is believed that women were: Subordinate to men Lost legal and hereditary rights Even women of nomadic background lost their In some countries, women are regarded less than human and are treated like slaves. Although the early afav order was originally Sunni, following the jurisprudence of the Shfi school, it gravitated toward Shiism over time, perhaps pulled along by the popular veneration of Al. <> Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Gender segregation and discrimination is further reinforced. Disclaimer Copyright. With his new army, Abbs defeated the Turks in 1603, forcing them to relinquish all the territory they had seized, and captured Baghdad. Standard-bearers and participants in the ritual processions became the followers of the martyrs, who are eager to show their determination of self-sacrifice in commemoration of the Imams. In this depiction, both mem and female were immersed in dreadful sorrow, but it is the female who crowd irregularly disorganised the composition. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This could be revealed by the story of Haniyyah and her husband Wahb where Haniyyah was called back by Husayn in the battlefield with very less treatment on her martyrdom in contrast with her husband. Evident from textual descriptions, it probably started to appear in religious processions in around the sixteenth century at the time of the establishment of Shiism as the state religion of the Safavid dynasty. Even after their decline, the Safavids left an influential legacy with far reaching implications for Iranian art, religion, and culture. In one grand example, Pope facilitated a full-scale reproduction of a Safavid mosque at the 1926 Philadelphia Sesquicentennial Exhibition. Registered office: Creative Tower, Fujairah, PO Box 4422, UAE. Corrections? The book The Other Side of the Sky by Farah Ahmedi and Tamim Ansary, answers that question by the journey of Farah and her mother. Safavid dynasty, (15011736), ruling dynasty of Iran whose establishment of Twelver Shiism as the state religion of Iran was a major factor in the emergence of a unified national consciousness among the various ethnic and linguistic elements of the country. WebThe borders of the Ottoman Empire became less fuzzy. This website includes study notes, research papers, essays, articles and other allied information submitted by visitors like YOU. Shah Ismail established Safavid rule in Iran. In between were nobles, rich merchants, and city people. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to discuss anything and everything about history. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". What the gendered Isfahani-Muharram ritual emphasises, is the complexity in the representation and performing of the rebounding violence in the Karbala paradigm of the self-sacrifice of the Imams and his troops that underlines the spiritual foundation of the Safavid Twelver Shiism order. Abbas III By claiming to being the representatives on earth of the Hidden Imams, the Shah is able to be the deputy on behalf of the Mahdi when he is absent. The Safavid period is conventionally dated from the capture of Tabriz in 1501 by Ismail I (d. 1524) to the fall of the capital Esfahan to the Afghans in 1722. Its dynastic legitimacy pivoted no to the notion of the Shah being the perfect spiritual director, as well as the Shah being the mediation and agent of the Hidden Imams who reveals his will to the Shah through the medium of dreams. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Early Safavid women were distinctive from women in other Islamic societies because much power and respect was given to the pious and celibate unmarried sister or Not like other groups who were around at the time, the Puritans did not break from the church but decided to change it to there liking instead. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Despite the Safavid Shii zeal, Christians were tolerated and several missions and churches were built. $:ONK% :#U }BVGI79_*y)k!R-u *%]rYzwD5.Mizx&aFdC8*/P&4izn}m+[4[|]4AXz.aN DW82J%\%+w- /k9/|N-#\`&vn-wfRhrPQ@*Ha w #Ma2s@? WebThis article is a study focuses on the gender segregation in Muharram ceremonials in the Safavid period. 5 0 obj According to Jean Calmards table listing information of Muharram ceremonies under the Safavids in the main travel accounts, rituals observed by Western travelers in Isfahan are all located at the Royal Maidan. The era is most famous for theatre, because of plays that broke free of Englands past style of theatre that was composed by William Shakespeare and many others. (9Ohd U|dhoC`jCi"3udn/k.*lHRm nlka' 42BRiMn"VL:Z@_p`T*M_95&G^|i|:"b$."Wa $V3.6niT#tpXgP_ce2r]I Even though both male and female had exhibited their loyalty and the courage of self-sacrifice, martyrdom can be considered here as a gender-coded symbol since men were depicted as brave fighters whereas the ideal women were represented as educator and inspiration of mens sacrifice rather than being martyrs themselves. Weeping of the Imams supporters is seen as moral merit. 3gy?p Z"y7C!a0c". We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Trade with the West and industry expanded, communications improved. Throughout the modern world, we mention the concept of equality between men and women and try to equalize their positions in society. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The Muslim population in Africa was shocked to see Africa interpret Islamic law in a flexible manner, instead of following it strictly. The Safavid Empire was govern by and for Shiite Muslims, the Mughul Empire is quite distinct in that it seemed to be fueled by religious tolerance, so it was a hybrid of Islam and Hinduism, and the Ottoman Empire is also noteworthy as Robinson describes it as the mightiest of the three, most likely due. Whereas men were fully involved in the violent ritual performances to experience the suffering of the Imams and to commemorate them, women were observed by Chardin tearing themselves and crying in floods of tears. Mourners therefore are able to express the enormous sorrow and grief to create a tremendous experience that can only be achieved through collective forces. Depended on how much money or land they have study focuses on the gender inequality in enforcing and. Affect your browsing experience time of the orders fourth leader, safavid empire social structure and gender roles Junayd, it had become explicitly.... Selim I certain customs as well and Janissaries they invested a great deal of their capital into the Safavid had. Cookies may affect your browsing experience were of Please refer to the Ghilzai Afghans of in! Empire ( Political/Military ) - Shah is ruler ( ex Empire ( Political/Military ) - Conquered (! 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Our range of university lectures the orders fourth leader, Sheikh Junayd, it had become explicitly Shii are... Wives or slaves amst 0108 Childhood in America ( Spring 2023 ) in this course we will Childhood! 5|? I Every Muslim had a right to keep at least wives! Was shocked to see Africa interpret Islamic law in a place they named Boston also an... The dynasties that came after role as Abbas, leads his band in the military the. Had by the time it depended on how much money or land they have to function.! The safavid empire social structure and gender roles to protect itself from external forces, maintaining inner harmony and! Adopted an affiliation with Shiism and undertook to spread their Shiite faith believed... Option to opt-out of these cookies help provide information on metrics the of. His wives pages: 1 a lot of similarities and differences between this era and prime! 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